StratExec by Arroyo
StratExec is a pioneer BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE (c BK) Blue Ocean type product that will guide, educate and help manage and execute an organization’s strategic framework and planswithout the help of outside consultants. We provide simple and complete guidelines plus media based support so your team can develop a prodessional Strategic Plan.
This will happen WITHOUT the need of a consultant. It can be SELFEXECUTED, thus dropping the cost of development DRASTICALLY to the users, thus making it so affordable that startups, families and individuals can have the planing and execution tools previously available only to sophisticated organizations.
That framework is our proprietary process, developed and proved over the last 25 years, and partially published in sections of my 4 books and other media.
StratExec VISION
One Global Strategy,
Millions of Strategic Plans Creating Value for ALL, Large and SMALL
Arroyo & Associates SERVICES
We specialize in three areas:
Executive coaching and training
Corporate governance
Family succession development
Strategic Planning
Blue Ocean Strategy
Deming based quality systems
Lean thinking for efficiency
Institutionalizing systems and processes